Friday, June 12, 2009

News report(2)

News article: Support your parents or the law may do it for you, says minister.

An act to ensures that parents are supported by their children may be amended to allow a third party to invoke it. Right now, the Maintenance of parents Act can be invoked only by parents themselves, who may be reluctant to do so. Minister in the Prime minister's office, Mr Lim, said that there was a need to redouble efforts in public to emphasise the importance of filial piety.

1) The Maintenace of parents Act can be invoked only by the parents, but most parents are reluctant to do so. Even if the children do not treat the parents well, the children are still the parent's flesh and blood and I think that the parents do not want the children to have trouble with the law. So, most parents will just have to suffer in silence.

2)As a result of the good health care, people live longer. Many live beyond their retirement age. this become a big problem as lots of money is required to support them.

3)Due to the declining birth rate, most singaporeons have small families. So, the burden of taking care of the parents can only shared within the small family and these children may feel the financial stress in supporting their parents.

4)The goverment trys to alleviate these social problems by extending the retirement age from 55 to 62 and then 65, subsidies medical care by giving special discounts, cheaper transport fare for senior citizens, giving higher interest rate in the ordinary CPF account and invoking the Maintanence of Parents Act.

5) I think teachers and parents play a part in this issue. In school, we can have talks and workshops to educate the children about the importance of filial piety.

6) I tink that it is only right for us, children to support our parents when they are old. They broght us up from young and give us a good education so it is our duty as their children to support them when they are old. I think that those children who does not even support their parents and leave them to their own devices are very irresponsible and curel. They do not even have the heart to take care of their own parents.

1 comment:

YHLin said...

Wow, first to comment! :D Since you reminded me to comment on your blog, I decided to help you.

Basically, your news article and opinion are excellent.

1)This opinion is good. Parents would not want to voice out because they don't want their son/daughter to get into trouble. All they wish is their daughter/son to live without trouble. Good comment.

2)'As a result of the good health care, people live longer. Many live beyond their retirement age. this become a big problem as lots of money is required to support them'. I don't understand this part. What has it got to do with supporting parents? Are you trying to say that children don't want to support their parents because they live longer and result in financial difficulties?
3) I think is fine.

4)Maybe you can list out the pros and cons of extending the retirement age. Pros: other than earning an income, this allows the elderlies to be physically active and healthy. Cons: They might not be able to deal with the work pressure because their boss might scold them for being slow, etc. However, we Singaporeans should respect the elderlies because they have also contributed to the society when they were younger and they have more experience than us.
subsidies medical care by giving Special discounts, cheaper transport fare for senior citizens, giving higher interest rate in the ordinary CPF account and invoking the Maintanence of Parents Act are also helpful.

5)I agree with you that such talk and workshops should be conducted. More importantly, teachers should instill good moral in their pupils.

6)I agree with you that the people who abandon and neglect their parents are very inhuman and they would certainly get their retribution. Now, children and teenagers don't respect their parents and would not obey their parents' intructions. Not only have our parents toil from dawn to dusk to provide us with a proper education and a comfortable environment, they have also given us love. Thus, we should love and respect our parents. Some Singaporeans send their parents to Elderlies' Home. Do you think this is right for them?

Looking forward to your reply,
