Saturday, September 20, 2008

A mysterious letter...

“Mum, can I go to the park to try out my new skates?” I asked. “Please?” I added hurriedly. “Yeah, OK.” My mother replied. I walked to the nearby park with high spirits.

I reached my destination within a few minutes. “Finally, I can try out my brand new skates,” I muttered under my breath. As happy as a lark, I put on my skates and started in-line skating.. “Wee…” I shouted, unable to contain my joy. I started skating at breakneck speed. Suddenly, I saw a huge rock right in front of me. I swerved to my right to avoid the rock and fell onto the grass. Blood oozed out of my right knee and elbow. I gritted my teeth and tried to stand up, trying to bear with the excruciating pain. Then, my left leg hit onto something hard - a wallet. It was small and brown in colour. “What does this contains?” I wondered out aloud. With my heart burning with curiosity, I opened the small wallet. The only object that I found in the wallet was a piece of paper. It reads: Meet me at the warehouse that you would find at 22 Avenue. The usual thing and 200 dollars for it. 7pm. The words ‘usual thing’, ‘200’ and ‘it’ were highlighted in blue.

Ware house? Money? Usual thing? My eyebrows kitted into a tight frown. I knew that warehouse. It was across the street where I lived. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw two men approaching me. Immediately, I smelt a rat. One was muscular with tattoos all over his body while the other was skinny and tall and had bloodshot eyes. ‘They must be coming to look for this.’ I thought. As fast as lightning, I threw the wallet onto the groundand pretend that nothing had happened. As expected, they asked, “Er… have you seen any brown wallet?” I shot them a quizzical look and shook my head. “Never mind!” the muscular man muttered.

The appearance of these two men made me more determined to look in into the matter. I checked my skates for any damages. After confirming that everything was intact, I in-line skate home.

After dinner that night, I ‘armed’ myself with a torchlight and a penknife. Then, I walked across street 21 and came into street 22. A dilapidated warehouse loomed into view. Although the sky had already darkened, light illuminated from the warehouse.

As I was about to continue my way, a black cat’s meows startled me. I recalled my mother telling me that black cats were bad omens. My hair stood on ends and I started to feel uneasy. I gulped and decided to go ahead with my plans.

Once there, I crouched below the window and pressed my ears against the wall. I could make out some sounds, “wow, I fell high!”

Curiosity was burning in me. I peeped through the window and found two muscular men and one skinny man. I stiffened with fear. What had I stumbled into?

Suddenly, a strong of wind blew. “Haha…choo!” I sneezed. “Stupid wind! Why must I sneeze of all times?” I cursed under my breath. “Intruders!” someone screamed.

I ran helter-sketler, no holds barred. I ran down 22 avenue as fast as my legs could carry me. My chest heaved and I panted for breath to run away from the drug dealers. My legs felt like lead and my lungs burned as if pleading for me to stop but I was unrelenting. The shadows of the three man loomed over me. Weeping in fear, I continue to run for my life.

Out of the blue, two figures appeared in my vision. Zeroing my gaze at the two policemen on patrol, I screamed frantically, “Help!” the policemen ran towards us like a bullet train. When the drug dealers saw the policemen, they attempted to spun around and disappear. But it was too late. The policemen brought the men down with flying tackles. Packets of drugs were found on them. As the drug dealers were brought away, their cold eyes stared at me, cursing under their breaths.

The drug dealers were sent to life imprisonment for smuggling drugs into singapore. From that day onwards, I swore that I would not let curiosity get the better of me. I learned a valuable lesson: curiosity kills the cat.


YHLin said...

better if you add more feelings. Other than that, everything is excellent esp your good phrases.


tsooc said...

Dear Amanda,

I love this story of yours. Keep up your good work. I think this is also a very interesting style of writing. Well done! Keep experimenting to improve. Do look out for this story in our main blog.