Thursday, December 18, 2008

news report


Singapore's AVA has lifted the suspension on the import of milk and milk products from China.
AVA said that following its inspection of dairy farms, milk collection centres and food processing establishments in China, it is satisfied with the control measures in place to ensure that milk and milk products imported from China are not contaminated with melamine. Products produced by approved establishments on or after December 18 will be allowed into Singapore.

AVA has also imposed additional import conditions for such Chinese products.
Suspension of China milk and milk products came into effect on September 19 and AVA has been working closely with the Chinese authorities to resume importing of products while ensuring food safety of products.

AVA said it will continue to monitor the products imported into Singapore.


In my opinion, even after Singapore's AVA has lifted the suspension on the import of milk and milk products from China, not many Singaporeans will want to buy milk and milk products imported from China as Singaporeans are ‘kiau-su’, and after the incident of milk products imported from china contains melamine, it may be a long time before Singaporeans trust the products imported from china.

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