Thursday, September 11, 2008

Storm at sea

Jane slumped onto the sofa and glance at the newspaper. The headline ‘Two boys drowned while canoeing’ caught Jane’s attention. Memories of the terrible incident flashed through Jane’s mind like a newsreel. It all began like this……

“Bye, mum. I’ll be back in four hours,” Jane said as she bade goodbye to my mother. Jane has agreed to meet May at East Coast Park to canoe.

Soon, Jane reached my destination. The beach was as pack as sardines. The sea was calm and the coconut trees swayed in the gentle breeze. While waiting for Jane to arrive at East Coast, May had already rented two canoes. After getting the canoes ready and putting their life jackets on, they set of.

“Why don’t we have a competition to see who can paddle the fastest?” Jane asked May. “Sure, “replied May. They paddled wit all their might. Meanwhile, the once blue sky was filled with thick, black and gloomy clouds. A storm was brewing but May and Jane were too engrossed in their race to notice. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore the sky apart followed by a peal of thunder. The wind howled and gigantic waves slammed against their helpless canoes. Rain pelted relentlessly on them, enveloping them like a piece of thick blanket. “Quick, head back to shore!” exclaimed May.

After some furious paddling, fatigue overwhelmed May and Jane and they felt like giving up. Suddenly, the merciless waves tossed their canoes high and their canoes overturned. Splash, May and Jane fell into the turbulent water. Luckily for them, they had put on their life jackets. They drifted helplessly on the surface of the turbulent water. “If only we did not come to East Coast.” Jane groaned.

Just when all hopes seemed lost, something big and white came into their view. It was a boat! “Is anyone out there, we are from the navy! I repeat, is anyone out there?” a voice boomed. Letting out a whoop of joy, May and June swam with all their might towards the boat, their hearts fueled with hope. May and June were dragged out of the water. Kind hands draped towels around them. Silent tears of relief rolled down May’s and Jane’s cheeks. The navy officer phoned their parents and told them what had happened. The girls were given a good dressing down by their parents.

Ever since that fateful day, Jane and May had never to anything dangerous without taking safety precautions again.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear A,

Once again a commendable, complete story. Keep it up. You can also look through to edit your tenses again. Ask your friends for help if you can't find any.